Archive for March, 2010


Know what I love and hate at the same time?

Finding money in the laundry or when you clean the house.

Yes! This blog is dedicated to my hubby. Lolsz. My hubby who does not believe in a wallet!!!

One day I went to do laundry and I had $10 to devout to JUST laundry. I started realizing that the machines were crap and I was going to need more money to fully dry my clothes. And it’s like God heard my prayers and there came out $5 from the machine.

Another day, I was preparing to wash clothes by separating all the clothes based on whites, colors, darks and delicates. As I’m checking the pockets of all the pants, there are two $20 bills there.

As I was putting away our clothes, a $10 bill falls out of the shirt pocket.

I was cleaning my room the other day and under the bed, in between the sheets, behind the TV, I find,…….$7 worth of coins.  

If you think about it in my husband’s perspective, I have earned $62 doing household chores.

If you think about it in MY perspective, I’ve LOST $62.

Do you know what I could buy for $62? I could buy grocery for the week (maybe half the week). We could buy our son favorite drinks. I could’ve gotten my hair done. There are so many things I could think of, but because I was short on $62 I couldn’t!!!!!!!!!!

And this isn’t the first time it’s happened. My husband likes to counter-argue and say that this is his “unofficial” savings. I laugh because it is funny. He said that if he ever needed train fare he could just look in between the sheets.

The real reason it upsets me, is because my husband must have at least 100 wallets, which I think he likes to keep for decoration. He never leaves the house without his wallet, but he never puts anything in it. He’ll put everything, INCLUDING HIS WALLET, in his pockets. And then he could never find anything. And when he sits on the bed, everything falls out. And that’s how we get $7 worth of coins (not even quarters) inbetween the sheets.

Another reason I get upset, what happens if we never found that $62 in the course of cleaning,….we would’ve lost $62.


I love my husband 😀

Until next time,…


22 candles, 1 wish

Dear Daddy,

Today is my birthday. And for another birthday you’re not around.

You want us to be a family, but I cant see that happening.

More than anything I have always wanted to have a  big family, and now that I have one, I think it looks better without you in it.

Your mother called me today. She finally wants to start acting like a grandma too. It’s funny how one facebook message changes the lives of everyone.

If she wants to be my grandma, then I want my envelopes full of cash so I could go spend it all in one place.

But what good is a father, or a grandmother, if you can’t live up to the role.

I’m sorry Daddy, but I changed my mind. I don’t think I want you around anymore. Knowing you or even about you, has caused nothing but heartache, confusion, and unwanted feelings.

Can I tell you a secret? When I blew out the candles, I wished that I had never tried to reach out to you. I wished that you stayed where you are and continued to never care about me. I think I would have been so much happier.

One thing that did make me happy, was to meet your other children. You always said that you could die happy knowing that all four of us have gotten along and met. Well we met,…we got along,…you could do your part now.

Ok daddy, I have to go and spend time with the family that has actually been around for me. So please continue to disregard my presence.  I think we would all be happier that way.

Your offspring for the last 22 years,
